1 (edited by artic chill 2006-03-12 05:32)

Topic: Remove New Post 1.0.1

##        Mod title:  Removing New Post
##      Mod version:  1.0.1
##   Works on PunBB:  1.2.11 (should work with all 1.2.*)
##     Release date:  3-9-2006
##           Author:  Artic Chill
##      Description: This easy mod removes the "New Post" field all together!!
##                   So when a new user post the post it doesnt show in the viewtopic or
##                   index!
##    Files to edit:  1
##                    style/<<TEMPLATE>>.css
##       Affects DB:  No
##            Notes:  This is a new mod I did in my free time and i hope to 
##                    add more mods so that the users here at punbb (and punres)
##                    will be happy and will be more likely to install this software,
##                    and I hope you enjoy this mod and love it... If you any questions
##                    post below!
##                    In step1...The file isnt really called <<Template>>.css.... <TEMPLATE>
##                    just means the file name in which you prety much edit all of the skins!!
##Reason for making:  I made this because it had been requested a few times! and it 
##                              comes in handy at times!
##       DISCLAIMER:  Please note that "mods" are not officially supported by
##                    PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
##                    own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
##                    applicable files before proceeding.


My PunRes Wiki Mods:
1.) Remove Post Icon in View Topic And in Index
2.) Bold Links In Header