Topic: Tiny bit of PHP code to modify in email.php

I don't know PHP and I want to change "From" name in e-mails members get from forum mailer.

$from = '"'.str_replace('"', '', $pun_config['o_board_title'].' '.$lang_common['Mailer']).'" <'.$pun_config['o_webmaster_email'].'>';

I want it to say something like "Admin" so I guess  $pun_config['o_board_title'] config part is not needed. Please help me, thanks smile

Re: Tiny bit of PHP code to modify in email.php

Replace that line by this:

$from = '"'.str_replace('"', '', $lang_common['Administrator']).'" <'.$pun_config['o_webmaster_email'].'>';

Re: Tiny bit of PHP code to modify in email.php

It works, thanks.