Topic: Doublethink: A Tale of Unintended Consequences by J. E. Schwartz

A Tale of Unintended Consequences
by J.E. Schwartz

It is Election Day 2012 and the electoral map is glowing red. The conservative agenda is well on its way to full implementation with minimal taxes, faith-based social policies, and market-driven government focused on national defense and homeland security. For Joe Winston, a successful Silicon Valley attorney with a wonderful life? beautiful home, great job, plenty of money in the bank?it promises to be another banner year.

DOUBLETHINK is the story of a decent guy, respected in his church and community, who sets off a disastrous chain of events with a generous donation to the wrong charity. In his terrifying descent from ?have? to ?have not,? Joe is forced to experience the natural consequences of the policies he has sincerely supported his entire life. His guides on his transformative adventure include Daniel, his gay son; Robert, a downsized scientist whose wife is dying of cancer; and Maria, a young homeless woman who helps Joe discover what he truly values.

In this thought-provoking debut novel, author J.E. Schwartz explores the divisions affecting our society by imagining a future that is chillingly real and all-too plausible.


Re: Doublethink: A Tale of Unintended Consequences by J. E. Schwartz
Ignorance is Strength

Re: Doublethink: A Tale of Unintended Consequences by J. E. Schwartz

nice but center the logo......

My stuff or my style might sux, but atleast I'm willing to help when I can.
Don't be stupid and help ! We are the stupid one's !!!

Re: Doublethink: A Tale of Unintended Consequences by J. E. Schwartz

quaker wrote:

nice but center the logo......

thanks.  also cleaned up styles to work with MacIE 5 (what a piece of S***)