Topic: trouble doing 2 things that maybe can't be done... at least not by me
1) I'd like to suppress the "counts" -- it should be obvious that big numbers MIGHT be impressive (but very possibly not!) ... Little numbers, like the zeroes that festoon a relatively new PunBB installation are a turnoff -- that is, just as it's said that there are some gatherings where a delicious cake goes uneaten for quite some time because nobody wants to start, I fear that something like this may operate in cyberspace.
NOTE: I am not a PHP guru and probably never will be. Also, the nice man hosting my "board" doesn't need (or want, probably) to get up to his eyeballs to do this NICE, but hardly critical, thing.
2) Looks to me like one cannot "customize" the top portion of different forums.... I'd certainly like to provide a little "anchor" up there so that people would have a sense of where they are and what's expected once they arrive.... Or can one?! That is, I'm looking at the Troubleshooting forum but see the same 2 "announcement" that graces the main (heck, EVERY) page. I'd like to either make "Announcement" yield to "Note:" or go away altogether... and put some words of my own choosing in the box just below.
... And let me add in the most positive vein that this is a SUPER piece of work. The "mission statement" that one is ordered to read before proceeding to this section puts it extremely well -- "feature wars" are less odious than most wars but are still thorougly odious!