Topic: anybody runing punbb with dokuwiki

ok... i searched around and it looks like there is some ppl doing it already.
It looks easy to do using this...
but i would like to turn the magic quotes off.

there is a module on punres that uses some doku.php file but i dont understand really what does it do.

any sugestions or advices on this integration please help.

I am runing PunBB 1.2.12...
it would be cool to make it possible for the user register on the wiki(forum) without knowing that there is a forum(wiki). This way i could get both audiences, the ones that like forums rather than wikis and the ones that...

thanks in advance

Re: anybody runing punbb with dokuwiki

punDokuWiki is a more integrated dokuwiki - it will use punBB styles and you will have controll of permissions in punBB Admin Panel. The problem is that it hasn't been updated for a long time wink

punBB auth module in DokuWiki will allow to use punBB users in dokuWiki and set permissions against them in DokuWiki "Admin Panel" smile

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