Topic: Single sign-on with Ruby on Rails?

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to integrate punBB so that logging in from an RoR app logs you into the forum? Any suggestions? Use a database? Any help or insight anyone can give would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Single sign-on with Ruby on Rails?

Hey, I made a post about one of my plugins that I wrote to do this very task! Sorry, I didn't see this post, otherwise I'd have added it here.


Hope it helps, lemme know if you need help with that, depending on how you want to structure your project, theres multiple ways to handle auto-logins for punBB. The plugin uses the simplest AJAX one!

Re: Single sign-on with Ruby on Rails?


Re: Single sign-on with Ruby on Rails?

Here's another stab at it, without having to use the Pun system for your users -

PunBB inside Rails - an apache tweak and cookie injection