Topic: change only nickname font-face. is it possible?

Hi there!

This is my 1st topic and 1st post. I will run a punBB forum on a site im building with a friend of mine. previewly(??) Ive ran anothe bulletin board in another site but I had a lot of problems with clones. They usually changed "captal i" for " l", because the font-face used were an sans-serif. As I wasnt the admin, only a moderator, I couldnt make any big change on the code. So, I want to avoid clones in this new bulletin. Is possible to use a "mono-space" only for the nicknames in posts?

Thanks and cheers!

ps.: hope i made myself clear


Re: change only nickname font-face. is it possible?

.blockpost .postleft dt {font-family: whatever}

Re: change only nickname font-face. is it possible?

Paul wrote:

.blockpost .postleft dt {font-family: whatever}

thank you soooo much!

