Topic: Admin can't enter his forum! LOL :D

I'm admin of .
In forum-registration page my name successfully entered but in LOGIN page of my forum it isn't enough space for it! LOL
So there is forum without admin.
(And admin without forum big_smile )
I know that it's VERY COOL big_smile but there is a danger of A LOT OF LITTER THAT I CAN'T DELETE if the forum link will be found by bad guys...
It isn't cool at all!

1) Delete this forum as soon as possible!
2) Make limitations for admin-name and in LogIn page equal.

Excuse me for my bad English because I'm Russian. smile
Thanks for reading that and A LOT OF THANKS if you'll do as I asked, in sha'aLlah.

With best wishes,

Re: Admin can't enter his forum! LOL :D

Moved to Troubleshooting, this isn't a bug in PunBB smile

Re: Admin can't enter his forum! LOL :D

Are you on a free forum host? It appears that way, and if so, we can't do anything about it, only your host can. This forum is intended for people who host PunBB on their own.

Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.

Re: Admin can't enter his forum! LOL :D

Thank You pogenwurst.
Yes, I'm on free forum.
But there was link on this forum...
Right, I'll try, in sha'aLlah, to find link on my host.
