Topic: Cannot delete users or change member type
I have had 1.2.12 installed on a client site for a little while (unused pending site release) and found yesterday that if I try to delete a user (logged in as admin, select user profile admin tab, then click on delete user) then it doesn't work. The page I try to delete from is profile.php?section=admin&id=4. When i click delete, the following page is shown in the browser URL field profile.php?section=admin&id=4&action=foo but I get a 403 forbidden error ("You are not authorized to view this page").
I tried installing 1.2.14 but still have the problem. I also get the same error if I try to change the user from "member" to "moderator" etc.
Has anyone come across this before, and has a simple solution? I've searched the forum for "delete user" etc but haven't found an answer.