Topic: subscribe/unsubscribe link

apologies if this has already been asked for, though I did try and check first!

Currently the subscribe and unsubscribe links have the same container e.g.

<p class="subscribelink clearb"><a href="misc.php?subscribe=5052">Subscribe to this topic</a></p>


<p class="subscribelink clearb">You are currently subscribed to this topic - <a href="misc.php?unsubscribe=146">Unsubscribe</a></p>

Could the unsubscribe container have a class of unsubscribe?
from viewtopic.php

// I apologize for the variable naming here. It's a mix of subscription and action I guess :-)
        $subscraction = '<p class="subscribelink clearb">'.$lang_topic['Is subscribed'].' - <a href="misc.php?unsubscribe='.$id.'">'.$lang_topic['Unsubscribe'].'</a></p>'."\n";

//amend to
// I apologize for the variable naming here. It's a mix of subscription and action I guess :-)
        $subscraction = '<p class="unsubscribelink clearb">'.$lang_topic['Is subscribed'].' - <a href="misc.php?unsubscribe='.$id.'">'.$lang_topic['Unsubscribe'].'</a></p>'."\n";

Would be nice if this was available out of the box so to speak smile

my mind is on a permanent tangent
byUsers forum

Re: subscribe/unsubscribe link

In 1.3 it looks like the p's become li's with unique IDs wink

Re: subscribe/unsubscribe link

ok even better!


my mind is on a permanent tangent
byUsers forum