Topic: Issue with "Last Post"

This isn't a major issue but it's just been bothering me for a while now and I'd like to receive some help on how to fix it.

My problem is located in the forums and the problem is simply the "Last Post" column lacks a break between the time posted and the topic name.

So instead of looking like:

Yesterday 8:33 pm by User
Topic: Test Topic Here!

It looks like this:

Yesterday 8:33 pm by UserTopic: Test Topic Here!

If you'd like to what I'm talking about yourself my website is located at

I would greatly appreciate any help I could get! I'll be checking this post every 15-30 minutes so a quick reply would be awesome

Thank you all!


Re: Issue with "Last Post"

Bump for great justice!

Re: Issue with "Last Post"

I think you can stand to wait an hour and a half before you bump...

Anyway, I'm unsure of the source of your problem but the following CSS ought to patch it up:

#punforum TD.tcr SPAN.byuser {DISPLAY: block}
Looking for a certain modification for your forum? Please take a look here before posting.

Re: Issue with "Last Post"

MDiamond: The topic text is a modification you added. Just adding a <br /> into that code should fix it