1 (edited by Utchin 2007-04-05 15:05)

Topic: menu thickness

im trying to intrgrate the menu into our site and this happens?
the image shows the menu where i havnt  included <pun_navlinks> (bottem) and the top shows it has expanded the table to fit the links. i want the links to fit the box?

the menu is to big for where i want to put it. i have looked in the css for anytype of padding for the menu but no luck...

any help?

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Re: menu thickness

bump...still need help with this?

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Re: menu thickness

it has something to do with this:

/* 6.1 Default padding for main items */

DIV.block, DIV.blockmenu {PADDING: 3px 6px}
.pun P, .pun UL, .pun DL, DIV.blockmenu LI, .pun LABEL, #announce DIV.inbox DIV {PADDING: 3px 0}
.pun H2 {PADDING: 4px 6px}

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Re: menu thickness


Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.

Re: menu thickness

I don't really understand what you're doing/what you want to do, but that is the padding.