Topic: pun_include problems after upgrading to 1.2.15
Hum I have a problem since I updated my forums to 1.2.15 , the pun_include function no more works
I have this in the telmplate :
<table summary="annoucement and active topics"><tr><td style=" WIDTH: 67%;"><pun_announcement></td><td><pun_include "ajaxextern.php"></td></tr></table>
and the file is no more included with 1.2.15 patch, which includes changes to the functions managing pun_include.
the pun_included file is not include ( not found ) and the
<td><pun_include "ajaxextern.php"></td>
appears on the final webpage source code.
does anyone here use pun_include and have same kind of problem ?
I hesitate on reporting a bug, could be a problem of my integration of the patch
( see )
perhaps my path of my modded version have errors but I think I integrated 1.2.15 patches well . . .
any advice welcome I cant find why this pun_include no more works and how to fix it ;(
if you want to investigate you can get my modded version here : … .20.tar.gz