Topic: using userinfo on another site?


I just set up a forum för a allians/clan in a web based game. I have some scripts I made like calcylators and stuff, and I whould like to have the function that you need to be logged in at the forum to view the other pages.

What I simply need is to be able to use some information like "group_id" and like that, but how do you do that? :S

(sorry, wierd writing, I know)

Re: using userinfo on another site?

should all be stored in "pun_user" (is an array). I believe you would have to include config.php and some other files. I don't know that for sure.

FluxBB - v1.4.8

Re: using userinfo on another site?

this seemed really messy. I have tried using some stuff from different places, but can't get it to work.

Does anyone have some simple code that takes the config.php file and just checks if you are logged in or not, and group_id if logged in?


Re: using userinfo on another site?

it is in the documentation =>

Re: using userinfo on another site?

well I just started to get something out of the cookie, for some reason the cookie-string had som slashes in it, which I hade to remove.