1 (edited by winger 2007-06-16 13:01)

Topic: A big Problem.

Ok. So First of all I had a punbb forum and all working. A private messaging mod, reputation mod and a DB Manager mod installed.
I have two domains, and I wanted to seperate them, so anyway they weren't seperated yet and you can say I deleted all my punbb files from my FTP, from the other site, but I didn't realised they where still connected. So my forum was gone. Fortunately I made a Backup. But I made it GZIP compress or something so I could only open it while being on my site in the DBM Mod, atleast that's what I think.
I was like 'Oh NO!' ofcourse, But I still had my old punbb files, the ones I downloaded, I also still had my skin.
So I first thought, I could re-install it on the same DB and run the DBM mod and everything would work, but ofcourse I couldn't install it again on the same DB cuz it was already installed. So then I thought I should install it on a new DB and just run the DBM Mod from there. And so I did, Made a new DB, Installed punBB, (freshly downloaded) and ran the DBM Mod, It recovered my forum etc. And I installed the skin, and the header. It looked like it looked before, only the Private Messaging mod wasn't there, So I tried to install it again but it gave some weird errors.
Now ATM, I still don't have the Private Messaging mod installed because I think the Host is down.
It says it can't connect to the host. But that's an whole different story I think.

Should I just wait untill the Host is back up and then try to install the PM Mod and Tada?



Now it says:  Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Can't connect to MySQL server

Re: A big Problem.

winger, if you want help, you need to tell us what's wrong hmm

3 (edited by winger 2007-06-16 13:04)

Re: A big Problem.


Oh and I forgot to add I still have the old config.php file of the original forum, and the today (after the problem) made config.php


Re: A big Problem.

It looks like your MySQL server is down, so whatever you do you'll need to wait
And were you using MySQL? Because deleting the PunBB files doesn't delete the database unless you were using SQLite and actually deleted the database file. All you should need to do is restore your backup with the proper config.php file

5 (edited by winger 2007-06-16 13:13)

Re: A big Problem.

Yes I use MySQL. I'll just wait indeed. Thanks, Smartys, I hope that will work. big_smile

But does that means I have to delete the punbb files again, and the new database (I still have the old DB)

And then put the upload punbb files in my ftp with the old config.php file?

You think it will restore all?

Re: A big Problem.

Put your backed up PunBB files on the server with the old config.php and everything should work, since you never said anything about deleting the MySQL database wink

Re: A big Problem.

Smartys wrote:

Put your backed up PunBB files on the server with the old config.php and everything should work, since you never said anything about deleting the MySQL database wink

Good, But the backed up files are in like one .gzip or something which you can only open using the DBM Mod. But that should also work, righty?


Re: A big Problem.

Err, the database management mod only opens gzipped database backups, there are plenty of programs that open gzipped folders of files

Re: A big Problem.

In it there's an .SQL file.

Re: A big Problem.

If that's the only file in there, then you don't have a backup of your forum, you have a backup of the database.
If that's true, what you should do is simply use your old config.php file and reapply all the code changes for mods (eg: the PM mod) to your fresh copy of PunBB. Because your database will still have the changes but the new files won't.


Re: A big Problem.

So I need to put a fresh copy of punBB in my FTP, then put the config.php file in, then install the DBM Mod and backup the DB, and then install the skin etc. and it will work?


Re: A big Problem.

I tried,  I putted the fresh punbb files, and the old config.php and it says:

An error was encountered
Error: Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: Access denied for user 'xxxxxxx'@'hudrun.store' (using password: YES).


Re: A big Problem.

Did you delete the MySQL user you used before, or change the password?


Re: A big Problem.

Smartys wrote:

Did you delete the MySQL user you used before, or change the password?

Yes, I did, now it works, so far, I putted the skin up and the banner and all seems to work!

I'm really, really thankfull for your help, Smartys, You and this great support is one of the things that makes PunBB great!



Re: A big Problem.

No problem, I'm glad everything worked out smile