1 (edited by Pejyuu 2007-06-20 01:19)

Topic: Lost Admin perms after convert

Ok, so before I did the converting of the forum I'm wanting to convert, I did some testing to see if it worked or not. Converting a couple of users, and threads and posts and such.
But, in the process, this happened

1) lost my passwords (There was a note about this not working for converting from SMF, but the loginform demanded a password, I didn't have one. Did figure out how to do this one though, I just put in the correct password with the right encryption directly into the database, but this won't be possible for the rest of the users on the real board that I'm going to convert. So my questioon here, will the "send password" link work in this case?  My local copies don't have a smtp server, but the real board has one.

2) I lost my admin permissions on my admin account, and I can't find where I can change this back in the database? Since I'm assuming there's a setting for this in the database somewhere...
Alternatively, Can I get this fixed in another way? AND, how can I avoid this when I convert the real board?

Never mind this one, I figured it out right after I posted this.

Re: Lost Admin perms after convert

1. Yes, the lost password link will generate a new password for them, that's how you're meant to do it

update prefixusers set group_id=1 where id=user

where prefix is the database prefix and user is the ID of the user you're giving admin permissions to

As for fixing it another way, I know after converting phpBB there's an option to choose moderators and administrators. However, if there isn't, I'd guess that the script thinks it's detecting SMF's admin/moderator settings properly when it isn't.

Re: Lost Admin perms after convert

Thanks for the answer on 1)
as for 2) I did figure it out ^___^ but thanks for that as well, I blame my tiredness for overlooking the obvious solution, I'm sorry. ^^;