Topic: Search in brdmenu

Does anyone know how to put a search bar in the nav menu? I want to right align it and then have small text next to it that says "advanced search"... and that will be a link that will go to search.php. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Search in brdmenu

no one??

Re: Search in brdmenu

Can't you add it as extra navigation item?
If so, go to admin panel, options -> additional items menu
X = <a href="./search.php">Advanced Search</a>
Where X is where you want to put it.

Re: Search in brdmenu

I would like the "advanced" text to be smaller font size and act differently then the rest of the nav links. Also, if i did do it through the admin panel, can put a text box in there?

Re: Search in brdmenu

No you can only put plain text links (AFAIK at least). You need to edit the source manually. I'd try header.php or index.php, not sure where you want it exactly.