Topic: common.php global variables listing

I wonder if there is a list with all variables that can be accessed when common.php is included e.g. $pun_user['username'] etc

Re: common.php global variables listing

$db (the database object)
$pun_user (contains key/value pairs for all columns in users, all columns in groups, and two columns from the online table (logged and idle). and is_guest, which is true/false depending upon if the user is a guest
all variables in config.php
$pun_config (contains key/value pairs for all the conf_name/conf_value pairings in the config table)
$lang_common (see lang/English/common.php for the key/value pairs for the English language: keys should remain the same no matter the language)
$pun_bans (contains information on all bans, numerically indexed)

That should cover it