Topic: i propose a contest to encourage making modifications

i propose some sort of contest, supported by the punbb comunity or the dev team, to encourage the creation of more modifications.
well ive been looking at other forum softwares such as phpbb and simplemachines and they have quite a bit of modifications, and are somewhat easier to install
for me, recently, ive been looking for a store mod to try to give my members more of an incentive to post more so they can buy stuff from the store
phpbb and SM both have a store mod as well as many other mods
however punbb doesnt...
i think many people can agree punbb is a great software but lacks the extra plugins/mods to make each punbb forum more original which is why we see more of other forum software on sites

this contest has many benefits:
1.  encourages more people to use punbb
2.  a bigger community
3.  more mods to choose from
and others that i cant think of tongue

we can have prizes supported by donations of by the dev team personally

i dont know, i was just pitching this idea as i like this software and would like to see more mods for it in the future

Re: i propose a contest to encourage making modifications

There is a store mod, although it is a bit limited
And I think any ideas like this are best left until 1.3 is released. With the new extension system, installing mods should be much simpler.

Re: i propose a contest to encourage making modifications

lol sweet