Re: Atom feed generator

Yes, you are correct in that the first one is perfectly ok. As for the second one, just replace the current comment tags with the CDATA one and you'll be ok smile The cdata sections isn't always required for inline scripts either, but the problem you will often encounter without it is that you can not use any of the chars "<", ">" or "&" in your javascript if you leave it out, so you'd be *very* limited in what you could do with it.


Re: Atom feed generator

Cheers. smile With the cdata tags then, I assume it would be best to use them if there are ever any inline scripts, (even if they're not technically required), as a precautionary measure anyhow? Better safe than sorry, so to speak. big_smile Just about to copy all the new scripts over to a test server and give it a whirl. Fingers crossed. big_smile

It's amazing that what started out as putting together an Atom script has turned into a full site revamp, ain't it? I'll learn one day, honestly I will. big_smile



Re: Atom feed generator

Well, I can honestly say that this has been a chore and half. big_smile I think I've finally got everything fully XML compliant. Nothing has gone arse side up for the last few minutes, so I'm assuming that's good. big_smile Have it set so that IE gets served as Xhtml1.0 - text/htm, and everything else that identifies xml is served as Xhtml1.1 - application/xhtml+xml. Have also renamed the Atom and RSS scripts with a xml extension, as browsers and such seem more ready to do something useful with it if they ain't got a reader/aggregator/client setup. Made stylesheets for both Atom and RSS so that if they do open in a browser directly, it looks a tad more aesthetic than the bare tree structure. big_smile

If anyone wants to try and break it, feel free. big_smile Thanks CodeXP for all your help on this, btw. smile

Here's the testforum: http://forums.bauchan.org/testforum/forums.php

