1 (edited by punfree 2007-10-24 18:39)

Topic: language encoding problems

hello, installed punbb about a half year ago, the main language was russian cp1251 to use, everything worked fine till now when i have to move the forum to other hosting

on the first host encoding was cp1251 (windows-1251) but i didnt change anything connected with mysql so i have entries in unreadable DB like Îáñóæäåíèå , it works imported on new hosting but default charset in browsers sets to utf-8 and it is readable only when it is cp1251 - i changed everything i found in .php files to windows-1251 but still nothing (dont know why  so because files where the exact copies from first server)

so i have only 2 solutions:
1) convert db to utf-8 readable and everything will be ok (i dont how to do that but know it is possible - http://charset.ru/ but i dont know the mechanism how its done)
2) get the charset to windows-1251 (dont know either)

any ideas? sad sad


Re: language encoding problems

If you do a search of the forum, I posted all the details not too long ago regarding how to convert everything to UTF-8.

Re: language encoding problems

i searched earlier and nothing helped, so i just wrote a convert script, thanks anyway, you can delete this topic