Topic: A Validation question
Can someone please tell me how I can make this line validate:
<form id="login" name="login" method="post" action="login.php?action=in" onsubmit="return process_form(this)">
It won't accept the name (name) but it is required for the rest of the form which I have posted below:
<form id="login" name="login" method="post" action="login.php?action=in" onsubmit="return process_form(this)">
<input type="hidden" name="form_sent" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value="index.php" />
<span class="login-boxes"><?php echo $lang_common['Username'] ?>:</span>
<input type="text" style="height: 14px;" name="req_username" size="12" maxlength="25" />
<span class="login-boxes"><?php echo $lang_common['Password'] ?>:</span>
<input type="password" style="height: 14px;" name="req_password" size="12" maxlength="16" onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==13) document.login.submit()" />
<a class="login-name" href="#" onclick="document.login.submit(); return true">Login</a> | <a class="login-name" href="register.php">Register</a>
Thanks for the help.