Topic: Database Problem?

I have a rather unique problem that I hope someone can help me out with.

I have been hosting a forum at site A for the last year and decided to move the forum to Site B. Nothing changed other than the URL and the Database remained intact except for the changes to the URL in the config settings.

Now, after moving all the front end files across to site B the forum seemed to be working OK, all the registered users show up, all the forums and topics show? HOWEVER none of the actual posts show under the topics and forums.

I have checked the database and these posts are all present under the punbb_posts table, but I just cannot get them to show up under the topics in the forums. I have tried repairing the tables, I have rebuilt the forum index and I have even done a fresh database install, yet no matter what only the forums and the topics show, ? no posts under the topics.

Does anyone have any advice to offer, heck I am even prepared to pay someone to resolve this issue for me.

Re: Database Problem?


Re: Database Problem?

I just figured it out - somehow the poster ID did not match the original ID - VERY ODD indeed... but its all working now that I canged the poster ID back.