Topic: Custom Style
I?ve been the admin of a happy little PunBB forum ( for a few years. I recently wanted to add a custom style. I took the standard ?cobalt? style and changed the values in ?Cobalt.css? and ?Cobalt_cs.css?. I renamed the files ?DA.css? and ?DA_cs.css? respectively.
I changed the code near the top of ?DA.css? from this:
/* Import the colour scheme */
@import url(imports/Cobalt_cs.css);
To this:
/* Import the colour scheme */
@import url(imports/DA_cs.css);
I uploaded them to the proper folders (?style? and ?style/imports? respectively).
I logged on to my screen name, went to my ?Display? options, and saw ?DA? in the drop-down box. I selected it.
Sadly, my style was NOT applied. Instead, I got what looked like the forums with NO formatting.
What else do I have to do to make my custom style work?