1 (edited by Vanslyde 2008-03-16 17:29)

Topic: Sticked and Closed threads styles CSS

Is it possible to have two different styles for

1-Closed threads that are sticked to the board (like some extra Rules about the forums)
2-and the other normal Closed threads that are going down?

I gave the TR.isticky element a particular color but it doesn't work since my sticky thread is also closed...

LI.postreport A:link, LI.postreport A:visited, TR.iclosed TD.tcl A:link, TR.iclosed TD.tcl A:visited {COLOR: #A8B5B5}
LI.postreport A:hover, TR.iclosed TD.tcl A:hover {COLOR: #C9D7D7}
LI.maintenancelink A:link, LI.maintenancelink A:visited {COLOR: #B42000}
LI.maintenancelink A:hover {COLOR: #B42000}
TR.iclosed TD.tcr A:link, TR.iclosed TD.tcr  A:visited {COLOR: #A8B5B5}
TR.iclosed TD.tcr A:hover {COLOR: #C9D7D7}
TR.isticky A:link, TR.isticky  A:visited {COLOR: #CF0101}
