Topic: Style - display author in footer

In style/{style}/{style}.php you should add at end of file:

<?php $style_author = '<a href="http://daris.hostsnake.com">daris</a>' ?>

and in footer.php after:

    <p id="copyright">Powered by <strong><a href="http://punbb.org/">PunBB</a><?php if ($pun_config['o_show_version'] == '1') echo ' '.$pun_config['o_cur_version']; ?></strong></p>

you should add this:

    <?php if (isset($style_author)) { ?><p id="copyright">Theme created by <strong><?php echo $style_author ?></strong></p><? } ?>

This will display style author in footer. Is it possible to add this to punbb? (i know, i can do it via extension, but better when it's in core)

Re: Style - display author in footer

Would be nice, give credit to those who diserve it.