Topic: Well done!

I just discovered PunBB on a site that is using it, and wanted to drop in to offer my congrats.   Job well done!    The "less is more" slogan is one of my favorite concepts.   

I've coded my own forum software in Perl (about 90% complete) and so am familiar with the hard choices you have to make regarding which features are worthwhile.   

And I have empathy for anyone who takes on such a project, because the one thing we know for SURE is that whatever choice you make, someone will surely be more than happy to tell you how wrong you are.   :-)   It is literally impossible to please everybody, no matter what you do, and hats off to anyone confident enough to take that journey.

I was actually quite disgruntled when I first encountered your software.   Yes,  disgruntled.   Your forum software looks better than my forum software, and this is actually quite annoying!   :-) Seriously, congrats on the clean streamlined look, it's nifty.

Ok, I guess that's enough from the peanut gallery.  Keep up the good work.   
