Topic: wondering if i can safely stop the search index building process

i am running 1.2.17 with a handful of minor mods.

i don't know how many total posts/topics i had last time i did this, but i have considerably more now, as membership ranks have been growing.

so i pruned some old messages this morning (probably about 5k), and decided to rebuild the search index. i just use the defaults in the fields, as the documentation seems to suggest i should. so either something is badly wrong, or it takes exponentially longer to re-build the more posts/topics you have (sorry if i am stating the glaringly obvious, but i don't think it has ever taken longer than 15 minutes). mine has been rebuilding for more than 6 hours now. it doesn't appear to be hung, i'm running mytop(1) on the database host, and i can see that mysql is busy. nor is the web page is hung; the counters seem to be incrementing properly.

so am i assuming it's not a good idea to interrupt this process?

Re: wondering if i can safely stop the search index building process

You can interrupt it, you'll just have to start from the beginning.
Try applying this changeset to see if it fixes the issue for you (apply it and then reindex again):