1 (edited by radian 2008-10-03 16:56)

Topic: Wordpress -> PunBB crossposting help

After installing the plugin http://www.randallpotter.com/code/ih_wp2punbb2.phps to Wordpress saving a post produces the following error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare check_cookie() (previously declared in /homepages/1/d84837210/htdocs/dev-c/forum/include/functions.php:28) in /homepages/1/d84837210/htdocs/dev-c/forum/include/functions.php on line 28

Does anyone know how to fix this?
Another poster on this forum said he solved it by changing from php5 to php4 but this is running on php4.

(edit:) It posts on Wordpress and (twice) on PunBB despite the error.

edit 2: After editing the last bit to read:

//Add wordpress plugin hooks
add_action('private_to_published', 'ih_wp2punbb', 8);
add_action('admin_menu', 'ih_add_pages');

The error went away too. weird. anyway, ignore this now smile