Topic: HELP

hi all i am really new to PunBB but iv managed to install it and create a basic forum for my university.

It was all going well untill i realised i had created 2 forums the same and needed to delete one. I loggin in as the administrator and tried to delete it but had this message:

"Unable to confirm security token. A likely cause for this is that some time passed between when you first entered the page and when you submitted a form or clicked a link. If that is the case and you would like to continue with your action, please click the Confirm button. Otherwise, you should click the Cancel button to return to where you were."

I clicked on confirm and get this message:

"Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated."

I have made sure cookies are enabled on my browser (firefox) and i have also tried deleteing all my cookies and login in again but still nothing.

I have tried deleteing all cookies and restarting the computer and still nothing.

I have tried the same thing in Internet Explorer but get the same message.

I appreciate any help at all. Thanks, Adam


Sorry, but you must be having a very old version of PunBB 1.3.

So, it is hard to find out, what was wrong in the version we had more than 9 months ago. The general solution is to do delete forum in database directly (don't forget to remove cache files after direct db operations) via phpMyAdmin or whatever.

Nevertheless, PunBB 1.3 is not ready to be used in production mode: it is still the development version! Current stable version is 1.2.

If you still want to try to use the 1.3, you should upgrade to 1.3 RC at least. I even would recommend you to wait for 1.3 RC2 release (2-3 weeks).

Good luck.

Carpe diem


hmmm im using version PunBB v.1.3.b.1??

I am using the company Blue Host to host my site and through their control panel I get a list of free applications to use on the server... PunBB being one of them?


ahhh i see now lol yea i was using Simple Scripts to install it..

How would i go about downloading it and installing version 1.2 myself??

Im pretty much a complete beginner so step by step instructions would be much appreciated smile



adam smith wrote:

How would i go about downloading it and installing version 1.2 myself??


Carpe diem