1 (edited by Switched On 2009-01-04 21:17)

Topic: Which line inside the _cs..

do i need to edit to make the post text a different colour
(eg. The above / this text)

Been looking at this code all weekend, and my mind has gone blank.

and this white boarder too please



Re: Which line inside the _cs..

.brd .main-subhead {
    border-color: #DFE6ED #DFE6ED #CBD1D8 #DFE6ED;
    background: #F4F4F4;
around line 319 no?
maybe just add your new color to that - as you don't want rest to change....??

3 (edited by Switched On 2009-01-04 21:49)

Re: Which line inside the _cs..

which is that for, The border?  why 4 colours? i only need to change it from white..?

/edit ~ sorted cheers, big_smile

just need the post text now if anyone can help smile

Re: Which line inside the _cs..

I would reccomend using Firefox for webdevelopment and using extensions such as Aardvark and web Developer to see and debug situations like this.

Sorry. Unactive due to personal life.

5 (edited by KeyDog 2009-01-04 21:57)

Re: Which line inside the _cs..

.brd .posthead, .brd .postbody, .brd .post-options {
    background: #f9f9f9;
line 98 or around...

but you want to change the color of post text not background?
not sure if you cld just add whatever color to above

EDIT: or just take out  .brd .postbody and place on new lines   and add background and color as you wish maybe...

Re: Which line inside the _cs..

Utchin wrote:

I would reccomend using Firefox for webdevelopment and using extensions such asweb Developer to see and debug situations like this.

Thanks for your advice, but im really not sure where to start with those.. All i have been doing as changing the colours on a ''Pre-made'' theme.
All the other colour changes have just been me changing #000000 to #FFFFFF or whatever.

I just thought it would be the same for this.. its just,, which line lol.