1 (edited by ThAt0n36Uy 2009-01-25 06:13)

Topic: I'm so lost.

I used to think I was an intelligent person. But being confronted with the situation I'm currently entrenched in, I'm absolutely befuddled. I have a few questions, and I'm hoping atleast a couple of them might get answers.

I would like to know where all the unofficial extensions are, as well as the official ones. I have the pun_repository extension installed, but it cannot connect to the server that hosts the information/files. I'm also wondering is there just not that many extensions for the forum because of the state it's currently in, or what.

Really all I want is a link to the dl for the extensions (pun_pm, pun_quote, pun_bbcode, and any others that makes punbb equal to that of smf or phpbb[basic features ya'know?]),

I found my answer on that, with a little more search on the Wiki I was able to find my answer. Looking back, it looks as if I'm asking for people to spoon feed me.

and possibly some information regarding some of the features of extern.php, topicview.php, index.php, etc..

I love the simplicity of Punbb, as I did with Fluxbb. That's what drew me to the forum softwares. I tried FluxBB, and saw the lack of mod/extension/style support and thought I might try this Forum software. Since it is.. Corporately funded? or something like that, I can't remember. That it might have more support in these areas. I've seen that it does, but I have no access to them.

I'd like to know more about integrating punbb with CMS's/Blog's. I have Wordpress currently, a fresh install, and I'd like to have a registration area on the home of the blog, that registers a user for both the forum and blog. Basically turn Wordpress into an advanced portal for PunBB. I'd like to be able to use the page feature in wordpress, or some type of widget for Wordpress that I can integrate the entire PunBB into a page in WordPress. And also have a login on the homepage. I'd like to be able to post news on the blog, and have it post a topic in a forum on the board as well.

This is all I wouldn't say advanced stuff, but I'm asking alot, and not really promising anything in return. If I could just get some answers, and a brief explanation of how to go about doing what I requested. I would be ever so grateful. You have no idea.

Thanks in advance if anyone can give me some answers.

Re: I'm so lost.

http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … wordpress/

Does that go anyway toward solving your wordpress issue?
If not you are basically asking for full integration into Wordpress - and you are not willing to pay right?

On second issue extensions list:
http://keydogbb.info/img/menu_solution.gif THE DIRECTORY http://keydogbb.info/img/menu_solution.gif

Re: I'm so lost.

I'm not saying full integration. I was just wondering if PunBB was capable of being integrated into a single page in Wordpress. Like the index page. I don't want to use an iframe, I really want it to be imbedded in the page itself. If I can also combine the user tables in Wordpress and Punbb that would be awesome. I don't want anyone to do it for me, I just kind of want to know if it's possible.

I've looked at tutorials, and tried them out, and they work fine. I was just wanting to know if it was possible yet. Like SMF can integrate most of it's featurs into a website, using SSI.php. If it comes down to it I can make a matching theme for Wordpress and Punbb, which isn't a hassle anyways. Thanks for the help, it's greatly appreciated.


Re: I'm so lost.

KeyDog wrote:

If not you are basically asking for full integration into Wordpress - and you are not willing to pay right?

That's nice. I must have missed the changeover when these became paid support forums.

The O.P was asking for help and advice, That is hardly an appropriate response.


Re: I'm so lost.

ThAt0n36Uy wrote:

I've looked at tutorials, and tried them out, and they work fine. I was just wanting to know if it was possible yet. Like SMF can integrate most of it's featurs into a website, using SSI.php. If it comes down to it I can make a matching theme for Wordpress and Punbb, which isn't a hassle anyways. Thanks for the help, it's greatly appreciated.

Unless things have changed drastically with 1.3*, (I personally cannot say as I've never used it), you could include common.php into your external scripts with 1.2* which would give you access to the most commonly needed variables and such. As to whether that still applies with 1.3*, however, one of the others will be in a better position to advise.