Topic: Request: Cannot post forums X days of joining

Anyone interested in helping me with this type of mod?

I want it so you cannot post to forums within X days of joining.

Any quick tips on how to do this would be appreciated.

Re: Request: Cannot post forums X days of joining

Find this line (should be #114) in 'post.php':

// Flood protection

Before, add:

    $days = 3;
    if (!$forum_user['is_guest'] && !$forum_page['is_admmod'] && $forum_user['registered']>(time() - 60*60*24*$days))
        message('You must wait '.$days.' day'.($days==1?'':'s').' before being able to post.');

Replace the value of '$days = 3' with the number of days you want new users to wait.

Re: Request: Cannot post forums X days of joining

Perfect - thanks so much smile