Topic: Smaller styles?
Are there already styles out there that changes other things and not only the colors? I only see recolored Oxygens.
What I'd like to see are styles that for example change the sizes of the boxes (and maybe also the text size). Not that I dislike Oxygen (I really like it), but the only thing annoying is - compared to the standard PunBB 1.2 skin - that the boxes are huge.
With boxes I mean for example the whole header, the category name lines, the "tables" (I know they are divs, no tables, but they optically look like tables ) that contain the forum names and topic count and so on. These were much smaller in PunBB 1.2 and I hoped that 1.3 continues this (because I liked the fact that you can see a lot of the whole forum on one screen), but now after several months there's still no style that does these changes.