1 (edited by Raeli 2009-05-17 13:01)

Topic: help with custom posting page / form (application form)

Hi, just to explain the basic idea quickly:

I'm looking to have a form of some sort in a new page with a form where I can ask a set of questions, and then submit it making it display the information entered. I tried looking at the post.php page, however I am too much of a noob at php for me to figure anything out.  I have a custom form already of sorts, I just have no idea how to link it to the actual posting itself. If anyone knows how to do this and could make a really simple page with a few simple text boxes in a form as an example to help me out, that'd be great. Thanks.

Just to get a better idea of what I'm looking for, ultimately I'm looking to have something akin to this:

As I said, the whole design and actual questions, I can sort out myself, I just need a simple working example that will post from a few different boxes.

Any help would be great. Thanks.


Re: help with custom posting page / form (application form)

Managed to solve it myself. Spent the best part of a day on it considering I know no PHP, but after a lot of playing about with a copy of the post.php page I managed to get it working big_smile