1 (edited by Shaunie 2009-07-17 09:12)

Topic: Spacing + Other small Questions

Hi All

I am new to all this, I managed to change the colours etc for Oxygen, took a while but sorted that,

I would like to narrow the gaps (depth wise) between forums, and possibly the heading height too, so it looks more compact. The only other thing is the header image, i would like to make that fit nicer too...

Is there an extension for this, or what files do i need to alter?

Also, I would like to add a gallery - tried with the ones on here and i fail everytime, if someone could point me in the direction of an easy one, and is willing to help, that would be great.

The link to Fourm is www.redrepublik.co.uk/forum - the username and password are



Re: Spacing + Other small Questions

I have found the editing for this - i beleive it is the Oxygen.css file, i have changed a few bits, just the header i need to sort out now, and the gallery if anyone can help.
