1 (edited by Okeanos 2009-07-21 09:29)

Topic: Errors in Oxygen_cs.css

The status indicator pattern matching is erratic.

Line 381 to 383

.brd .main-content .sticky .closed .icon {
    border-color: #D7E5F3 #C3CFDC #898989 #7A7A7A;

This piece of css does effectively nothing because it doesn't match "<span class="icon sticky closed"><!-- --></span>".

A workaround (post IE6/Firefox/Opera/Safari) would be the following:

.brd .main-content [class="icon sticky closed"] {
    background: border-color: #D7E5F3 #C3CFDC #898989 #7A7A7A; !important;

Next one, a problem when changing the color of the offline userstatus indicator occurs because the selector .brd .post * (lines 90-92) is used for that. However, this one also changes some other border colors.
To circumvent that a new selector should be added to allow offline indicators to have a separate color:

.brd .userstatus span {
    border-color: #DDE4EB;

Re: Errors in Oxygen_cs.css

Okeanos wrote:

A workaround (post IE6/Firefox/Opera/Safari) would be the following:

.brd .main-content [class="icon sticky closed"] {
    background: border-color: #D7E5F3 #C3CFDC #898989 #7A7A7A; !important;

That doesn't work for me. But this works (except IE6):

.brd .main-content .sticky.closed.icon {
    border-color: #D7E5F3 #C3CFDC #898989 #7A7A7A;

Re: Errors in Oxygen_cs.css

Possibly because I had a colon error in there (just checked on my own forum again where I use this cs trick):

.brd .main-content [class="icon sticky closed"] {
    background: border-color: #D7E5F3 #C3CFDC #898989 #7A7A7A !important;

There was a colon after the #7A7A7A color code in the original css quote.

I just verified using  Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome (all except Chrome on OS X and Windows): it works smile

Re: Errors in Oxygen_cs.css

Doesn't work for me either.

I've fixed it this way. Works in IE6 too smile

Re: Errors in Oxygen_cs.css

That is seriously weird xD

Well if it also works in ie6 that way so be it smile