1 (edited by ukunilus 2009-11-30 14:21)

Topic: link http://domain/foorum/register.php is empty

Hi. Please advise. In this url http://domain/register.php you can see that nothing is shown to user on this page, means new users cannot register. This just happened without any obvious reason... Last thing i did was to install pun_attachment. Also tried uninstalling, didnt help. Also tried to make clean install of punBB and in the end changed config.php file to use the same tables as previous install, but still didnt help.
Hoping for a quick answer. smile
Thanks in advance!

2 (edited by ukunilus 2009-11-30 09:09)

Re: link http://domain/foorum/register.php is empty

Hi again. Some additional info. Server side was upgraded
MySQL: 4.1.21 -> 5.1.37
PHP: 4 -> 5

And one more thing i noticed:
PHP extension: mysql, but now PHP extension: mysqli

Re: link http://domain/foorum/register.php is empty

Could you study the php errors log at your server? Perhaps, there is some errors there.

4 (edited by ukunilus 2009-11-30 14:23)

Re: link http://domain/foorum/register.php is empty

Slavok wrote:

Could you study the php errors log at your server? Perhaps, there is some errors there.

Hi. No errors in error log.

Again. This was related to profile.php translation file roll
So its fixed, Thanks for the help!