Topic: [Solved] Administration page does not work


Recently, my provider one.com upgraded their PHP to 5.3.1
As I was getting problems with "set_magic_quotes_runtime" function, I decided to upgrade my PunBB 1.2.19 to 1.3.4
All went well, including dbs upgrade.
Now the forum works and is operational, but I cannot do any administration on it.

When I click Administration on top, I get this:

When I try to click any link on that page, I get an error: Web page not found.
Strangely the URL tries to go to forumroot/admin/admin/...
For example the link to Settings point to http://www.myforum.be/admin/admin/setti … tion=setup

I tried reinstalling from scratch, but that did not help.
Any ideas?


Re: [Solved] Administration page does not work

Is there nobody who has any idea why my forum builds its URL's for admin functions wrong?

Re: [Solved] Administration page does not work

in the top post you have




are you sure everything is installed in correct folders - your root etc

Re: [Solved] Administration page does not work

First of all, you need to check the value of the $base_url variable in the "<FORUM_ROOT>/config.php" file.


Re: [Solved] Administration page does not work

Slavok wrote:

First of all, you need to check the value of the $base_url variable in the "<FORUM_ROOT>/config.php" file.

OK, thanks, it was missing somehow.
Problem seems solved.

Thanks for the hint