1 (edited by Ohrstrom 2003-03-23 11:09)

Topic: Problem when entering the admin pages in the forum.

Yesterday I installed Apache, Php & Mysql. And I already had a page with a forum that I was working on (since an earlier installation) but Im not really good at any of these 3 "programs". Anyways after some fingering with usernames and stuff I was able to install the forum and it seemed to work properly.

Then the problem arrived, when I entered admin mode i only got an error message, which I didnt get the first time I used the forum (on the previous installation) so I presumed something perhaps was wrong big_smile

With debug this message was retrieved:File:

Line: 59

Pun reported: Unable to fetch table status
Database reported: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '-forum' at line 1 (Errno: 1064)

I named the database pun-forum, but the problem isnt that easy i guess?


This is the page, forum is in a link from the forum menuchoice, Ive also changed the color appearance of the forum. If you like pay a visit, and change to dark and blue, and tell me what you think. :>

Second EDIT: Well well well, experimental as I am, I stopped mysql, went to data lib under mysql and removed the "-", then started the service again, went to pun's config.php and removed it there aswell, and voila! there should be a sign with giant letters saying wich characters isnt allowed big_smile

So now I only want you to give me your judgement of the forum colors :>

Re: Problem when entering the admin pages in the forum.

Well, there you go :-)

Not using "reserved characters" in database (and table) names is more of a general database consideration than anything specific to scripting. I don't think I will mention it in the documentation. Fact is that most users will get a database assigned to them (from the service provider) and will therefore not have any influence on the naming of it.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."