1 (edited by hklown 2011-11-16 22:06)

Topic: "Expected identifier, string or number" error in IE7

One of my users using IE7 started reporting this error after the upgrade to 1.4. He claimed that when typing a message, on every keystroke he would get a script error. I have tried to reproduce the error using IETester, and I seem to be getting the error on every page I go to.

Here is a screenshot of the error:

I have tried disabling all extensions, and the error still appears under IE7. It appears on both my forum and these boards.

Could this be the problem?
http://blog.favrik.com/2007/11/29/ie7-e … or-number/

Re: "Expected identifier, string or number" error in IE7

Ok, im check this.

Re: "Expected identifier, string or number" error in IE7

dimkalinux wrote:

Ok, im check this.

Thank you for the speedy response.

Re: "Expected identifier, string or number" error in IE7

On http://punbb.org.ua/punbb/ is clear punbb 1.4 without any extensions.
Can you check it for errors?

5 (edited by hklown 2011-11-17 18:19)

Re: "Expected identifier, string or number" error in IE7

Using IE7 in IETester:

Error appears immediately on page load.

Re: "Expected identifier, string or number" error in IE7

Im found error.

In footer.php

 page: "'.forum_htmlencode((defined("FORUM_PAGE")) ? FORUM_PAGE : "unknown" ).'",

we need remove coma at the end.

Re: "Expected identifier, string or number" error in IE7

Thanks- this solves the error perfectly!

I ran into another IE7 error however, this time involving the 1.4 pun_bbcode extension. When the bbcode bar is enabled, every keypress when the post message box has focus results in the following error:


This error only happens when the bbcode bar is enabled.
It does not happen on http://punbb.org.ua/punbb/.
When I disable pun_bbcode it does not happen.
When pun_bbcode is enabled, but the bar is turned off in user preferences, it does not happen.

Hopefully that information is useful in tracking down the bug.