1 (edited by Audi 2011-12-13 14:54)

Topic: Index css link code for portal?

(I have the portal by daris extension installed, which is im asking about. So "Index" is the portal page while "Forum" is the new replacement for the original index. If you understand what im saying.)

What is the "Index" css code that displays in the navigation bar along with "Forum, Search, Profile.." and so on.

This is an example of what I'm talking about, in the punbb directory/include/functions.php file ~

    // Index should always be displayed
    $links['index'] = '<li id="navindex"'.((FORUM_PAGE == 'index') ? ' class="isactive"' : '').'><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['index']).'">'.$lang_common['Index'].'</a></li>';

    if ($forum_user['g_read_board'] == '1' && $forum_user['g_view_users'] == '1')
        $links['userlist'] = '<li id="navuserlist"'.((FORUM_PAGE == 'userlist') ? ' class="isactive"' : '').'><a href="'.forum_link($forum_url['users']).'">'.$lang_common['User list'].'</a></li>'; 

These would show the Userlist link in the nav bar. I'm looking to edit the link in css like so:

BODY DIV#brd-wrap DIV.brd-page DIV#brd-navlinks UL LI#navuserlist A {}

(I used spinkbb to get this code lol xP lazy) Its confusing for me, I barley started learning php.
Anyways, I believe the Index code would be here in portal.php, but im not sure:


    PunBB extension
    Daris <daris91@gmail.com>


// Make sure no one attempts to run this script "directly"
if (!defined('FORUM'))

if (file_exists(FORUM_ROOT.'extensions/portal_by_daris/lang/'.$forum_user['language'].'/admin_portal.php'))
    require FORUM_ROOT.'extensions/portal_by_daris/lang/'.$forum_user['language'].'/admin_portal.php';
    require FORUM_ROOT.'extensions/portal_by_daris/lang/English/admin_portal.php';

// Setup the form
$forum_page['part_count'] = $forum_page['fld_count'] = $forum_page['set_count'] = 0;

// Setup breadcrumbs
$forum_page['crumbs'] = array(
    array($forum_config['o_board_title'], forum_link($forum_url['index'])),
    array($lang_admin_common['Forum administration'], forum_link($forum_url['admin_index'])),
    array($lang_admin_common['Settings'], forum_link($forum_url['admin_settings_setup'])),

($hook = get_hook('aop_portal_pre_header_load')) ? eval($hook) : null;

define('FORUM_PAGE_SECTION', 'settings');
define('FORUM_PAGE', 'admin-settings-portal');
require FORUM_ROOT.'header.php';


// Reset counter
$forum_page['group_count'] = $forum_page['item_count'] = 0;

    <div class="main-content main-frm">
        <div class="content-head">
            <h2 class="hn"><span><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['Index page head']  ?></span></h2>
        <form class="frm-form" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" action="<?php echo forum_link($forum_url['admin_settings_portal']) ?>">
            <div class="hidden">
                <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?php echo generate_form_token(forum_link($forum_url['admin_settings_portal'])) ?>" />
                <input type="hidden" name="form_sent" value="1" />
<?php ($hook = get_hook('aop_maintenance_pre_maintenance_fieldset')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>
            <fieldset class="frm-group group<?php echo ++$forum_page['group_count'] ?>">
                <legend class="group-legend"><strong><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['Forums for news legend'] ?></strong></legend>
<?php ($hook = get_hook('aop_maintenance_pre_maintenance_checkbox')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>
                <div class="txt-set set<?php echo ++$forum_page['item_count'] ?>">
                    <div class="txt-box textarea">
                        <label for="fld<?php echo $forum_page['fld_count']+1 ?>"><span><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['Forums for news label'] ?></span></label>
                        <div class="txt-input">
                            <div class="checklist">

$forums_for_news = explode(',', $forum_config['o_portal_news_forums']);

// Get the list of categories and forums
$query = array(
    'SELECT'    => 'c.id AS cid, c.cat_name, f.id AS fid, f.forum_name, f.redirect_url',
    'FROM'        => 'categories AS c',
    'JOINS'        => array(
            'INNER JOIN'    => 'forums AS f',
            'ON'            => 'c.id=f.cat_id'
            'LEFT JOIN'        => 'forum_perms AS fp',
            'ON'            => '(fp.forum_id=f.id AND fp.group_id='.$forum_user['g_id'].')'
    'WHERE'        => '(fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1) AND f.redirect_url IS NULL',
    'ORDER BY'    => 'c.disp_position, c.id, f.disp_position'

($hook = get_hook('se_qr_get_cats_and_forums')) ? eval($hook) : null;
$result = $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);

$cur_category = 0;
while ($cur_forum = $forum_db->fetch_assoc($result))
    ($hook = get_hook('se_forum_loop_start')) ? eval($hook) : null;

    if ($cur_forum['cid'] != $cur_category)    // A new category since last iteration?
        if ($cur_category)
            echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".'</fieldset>'."\n";

        echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".'<fieldset>'."\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".'<legend><span>'.forum_htmlencode($cur_forum['cat_name']).':</span></legend>'."\n";
        $cur_category = $cur_forum['cid'];

    echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".'<div class="checklist-item"><span class="fld-input"><input type="checkbox" id="fld'.(++$forum_page['fld_count']).'"  name="form[portal_news_forums][]" value="'.$cur_forum['fid'].'"'.(in_array($cur_forum['fid'], $forums_for_news) ? ' checked="checked"' : '').'/></span> <label for="fld'.$forum_page['fld_count'].'">'.forum_htmlencode($cur_forum['forum_name']).'</label></div>'."\n";

<? ($hook = get_hook('aop_maintenance_pre_maintenance_fieldset')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>
                <div class="sf-set set<?php echo ++$forum_page['item_count'] ?>">
                    <div class="sf-box text">
                        <label for="fld<?php echo ++$forum_page['fld_count'] ?>">
                            <span><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['News count label'] ?></span>
                        </label><br />
                        <span class="fld-input"><input type="text" id="fld<?php echo $forum_page['fld_count'] ?>" name="form[portal_news_count]" size="5" maxlength="5" value="<?php echo forum_htmlencode($forum_config['o_portal_news_count']) ?>" /></span>
<?php ($hook = get_hook('aop_maintenance_pre_maintenance_fieldset')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>
                <div class="sf-set set<?php echo ++$forum_page['item_count'] ?>">
                    <div class="sf-box text">
                        <label for="fld<?php echo ++$forum_page['fld_count'] ?>">
                            <span><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['News description length'] ?></span>
                        </label><br />
                        <span class="fld-input"><input type="text" id="fld<?php echo $forum_page['fld_count'] ?>" name="form[portal_news_description_length]" size="5" maxlength="5" value="<?php echo forum_htmlencode($forum_config['o_portal_news_description_length']) ?>" /></span>
<?php ($hook = get_hook('aop_maintenance_pre_maintenance_fieldset_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>

    ($hook = get_hook('aop_features_sig_fieldset_end')) ? eval($hook) : null;

    // Reset counter
    $forum_page['group_count'] = $forum_page['item_count'] = 0;

            <div class="content-head">
                <h2 class="hn"><span><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['Size head'] ?></span></h2>
            <fieldset class="frm-group group<?php echo ++$forum_page['group_count'] ?>">
                <legend class="group-legend"><strong><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['Size legend'] ?></strong></legend>
<?php ($hook = get_hook('aop_maintenance_pre_maintenance_fieldset')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>
                <div class="sf-set set<?php echo ++$forum_page['item_count'] ?>">
                    <div class="sf-box text">
                        <label for="fld<?php echo ++$forum_page['fld_count'] ?>"><span><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['Left side width'] ?></span><small><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['Left side width help'] ?></small></label><br />
                        <span class="fld-input"><input type="text" id="fld<?php echo $forum_page['fld_count'] ?>" name="form[portal_left_width]" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php echo $forum_config['o_portal_left_width'] ?>" /></span>
<?php ($hook = get_hook('aop_maintenance_pre_maintenance_fieldset')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>
                <div class="sf-set set<?php echo ++$forum_page['item_count'] ?>">
                    <div class="sf-box text">
                        <label for="fld<?php echo ++$forum_page['fld_count'] ?>"><span><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['Right side width'] ?></span><small><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['Right side width help'] ?></small></label><br />
                        <span class="fld-input"><input type="text" id="fld<?php echo $forum_page['fld_count'] ?>" name="form[portal_right_width]" size="3" maxlength="3" value="<?php echo $forum_config['o_portal_right_width'] ?>" /></span>
<?php ($hook = get_hook('aop_maintenance_pre_maintenance_fieldset_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>

    ($hook = get_hook('aop_features_sig_fieldset_end')) ? eval($hook) : null;

    // Reset counter
    $forum_page['group_count'] = $forum_page['item_count'] = 0;

            <div class="content-head">
                <h2 class="hn"><span><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['Advanced settings head'] ?></span></h2>
            <fieldset class="frm-group group<?php echo ++$forum_page['group_count'] ?>">
                <legend class="group-legend"><strong><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['Advanced settings legend'] ?></strong></legend>
<?php ($hook = get_hook('aop_maintenance_pre_maintenance_fieldset')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>
                <div class="sf-set set<?php echo ++$forum_page['item_count'] ?>">
                    <div class="sf-box checkbox">
                        <span class="fld-input"><input type="checkbox" id="fld<?php echo ++$forum_page['fld_count'] ?>" name="form[portal_panels_all_pages]" value="1"<?php if ($forum_config['o_portal_panels_all_pages'] == '1') echo ' checked="checked"' ?> /></span>
                        <label for="fld<?php echo $forum_page['fld_count'] ?>"><span><?php echo $lang_admin_portal['Panels on all pages'] ?></span> <?php echo $lang_admin_portal['Panels on all pages info'] ?></label>
<?php ($hook = get_hook('aop_maintenance_pre_maintenance_fieldset_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>
<?php ($hook = get_hook('aop_maintenance_maintenance_fieldset_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>
            <div class="frm-buttons">
                <span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo $lang_admin_common['Save changes'] ?>" /></span>

I just dont know what code to get out of it so i can edit the text, color, and so on in css.

2 (edited by Audi 2011-12-13 14:54)

Re: Index css link code for portal?

This is what I'm trying to do:

If you see there, Forum Register and Login text links i replaced with an image. But I don't know the CSS code to edit the Menu(originally labeled Index by default) text link.