1 2013-10-08 11:59 (edited by kudataz 2013-10-09 21:31)
Re: req: extension compress code html 1 line
This extension will be extremally hard to make, I think the only possible solution it to replace all line breaks from generated output buffer, but additional processing of html will higher load.
If you want to reduce transfer, the best what you can do is to enable gz compression. Reducing line-breaks before compression has no sense, because it is well known fact, that text with spaces compress better than without them (see the article: William Teahan. Modelling English Text. PhD thesis, University of Waikato, New Zealand, 1998.)
If you want to reduce load... hm... this will be harder You will have to move to another server, or disable some of your extensions. But it is weird, because I am running a quite big page on Raspberry pi and have absolutly no problems with load - it is about 0.20 on the sunday evening (20-30 users online) chatting on the shoutbox...
<?php $t='<?php $t=%c%s%c; printf($t,39,$t,39,10);%c'; printf($t,39,$t,39,10);
Re: req: extension compress code html 1 line
so,, this is not usefully gomen ne for suggest
Have a nice day >.<