1 (edited by Clyd 2015-06-22 22:32)

Topic: [Bug] Bug in parser.php file 1.4.3 version

Bug in parser.php file
The bug appears in the inserted links in the messages in the form of [url =
The output link is prefixed with the domain name followed by reversed slashes \\


Bug dans le fichier parser.php
Le bug apparait dans les liens inserés dans les messages sous la forme de [url=
Le lien de sortie est prefixé avec le nom de domaine  suivi des slashs inversés \\

2 (edited by Ben271185 2015-07-26 20:38)

Re: [Bug] Bug in parser.php file 1.4.3 version

Is there a solution for this problem?

I only have this problem when the link is in a list (since 1.4.3). Example: when the link is in a list (numbered or bullet) and I click on it, I get this url:
