Topic: Cookies, Databases, Oh My!
Hey...congrats on PunBB, it's a really fantastic BBS...and I've tried a lot.
Now with the flattery out of the way...
Having a bit of trouble deciphering the cookie/database code for registered users.
I'm looking to add additional custom database entries(already done) that hold more specific and additional info for registered users. For example, First name, Last name, categories their interested in, etc.
I've added these additional categories to the users database.
The major problem is in the cookie handling. I admit I am a bit of newbie when it comes to cookies, the whole serialize, unserialize and list usage baffles me a bit. my question:
How do I have PunBB retreive an additional variable(say Last Name for example) from the DB, set it in a cookie, and then retrieve it for display or usage on the Status bar and elsewhere?
Thanks for the help...