Topic: Punbb into Php-Fusion

I have begun an attempt to intigrate these two scripts together. I desperatly need help in intigrating the member lists and the user login. I also need help with the template for punbb. The way fusion desplays modules is by using require"?". I can't use <pun_include>. I doubt that there is a <pun_require>.

Rickard, this job would be a lot eaiser if the template files were php and not tpl... Is there a specific reason you went with tpl and not php?

Do, or do not.


Re: Punbb into Php-Fusion

Sorry to double post, but I sloved the problems of the modules.

Do, or do not.

Re: Punbb into Php-Fusion

zc923 wrote:

Rickard, this job would be a lot eaiser if the template files were php and not tpl... Is there a specific reason you went with tpl and not php?

Yes, because they don't contain PHP code :)

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Punbb into Php-Fusion

why couldnt you jsut use a html doc for the templates? is there something better about tpl?


Re: Punbb into Php-Fusion

If any wants to know:

Fusion uses requires 3 files to be called forth before it can display a panel. One is the Fusion_config.php, header.php, and subheader.php. I modified the code and put them into a file called req.php. Using <pun_include>, I included this into main.tpl. Then it was a simple matter of of making files and then including them into the main.tpl.

So the design part is done, now comes the user managment and login stuff. Fun....

Do, or do not.


Re: Punbb into Php-Fusion

Take a look so far:


Do, or do not.


Re: Punbb into Php-Fusion

zc923 wrote:

Take a look so far:

Looks good, Rickard should put up a page at punbb.org showcasing integration of PunBB with different CMS apps.


Re: Punbb into Php-Fusion

Anyone have an Idea how to intigrate the login and the member list?

Do, or do not.

Re: Punbb into Php-Fusion

hcgtv wrote:

Looks good, Rickard should put up a page at punbb.org showcasing integration of PunBB with different CMS apps.

I definately should.

Gizzmo wrote:

why couldnt you jsut use a html doc for the templates? is there something better about tpl?

Because it's not HTML either. It's a template based on which the PHP code in PunBB outputs HTML.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."