Topic: PunCMS
ok, a big idea here please give me any thoughts, ideas, anything
I was thinking about creating a basic CMS based on the punbb forum, basically take the page generation, admin and user system from punbb, port the forum into a "module" (like other modules except compulsory) , then have options for modules and blocks, develop some kind of page manager to organise the blocks and general layout, create a installation system for blocks and modules for setting up mysql, create the PM mod as a module, (coppermine as a module? or maybe a punphotoalbum ), a weblinks module (has been requested), a shoutbox block (also requested i think), a irc chatroom module, download module?, a homepage / news module (news posted via admin and also imported from the forum), some kind of html module (to allow for custom pages)
might be best waiting for 1.2 if i do decide to make it i don't think it will be too hard, as punbb has all the basic stuff, but most sites don't just want a forum and this would be a simple way to have a punbb site, i would try to keep it all valid formatting and keep the php nice, and also things like chatrooms, weblinks, photo albums seem to work better as modules rather than fully integrated.
phew big post over