1 (edited by rich_abcdef 2004-10-12 11:07)

Topic: Changing the URL of the forum

I want the forum to work at:


In the absense of better intructions, I un packed the tar ball on my windows machine and uploaded the whole punbb-1.1.5 directory to my hosting provider.  I found the install instructions and managed to get everything working. Only the URL is:


Can I just re-upload everything in the 'upload' directory to the 'forum' directory? I can forget the 'scripts' directory?

Or are there better solutions bearing in mind that version 1.2 looks imminant?

Re: Changing the URL of the forum

Yes, you should only upload the contents of the upload directory (see the installation instructions in install.html).

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."