Topic: Need code migration Invision1.3.1 > PunBB : posts only

Hi, i have download and install the PunBB Migration Tools to my server, but for, i don't know wich reason, the migration doesn't work.
I have send a mail to Chacmool, thx to him to reply me, and we don't know from where is the problem.

So to migrate my board, i want to know if it possible to explain me the source code of the migration tools to take only the part of the code to migrate posts  ?

Thx for you reply !

And greets for this job, PunBB is perfect !

Re: Need code migration Invision1.3.1 > PunBB : posts only

Shouldn't you talk to Chacmool about this?

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: Need code migration Invision1.3.1 > PunBB : posts only

I have forward my dump sql and error message to Chacmool by mail. I wait his reply, but i think that he must be more busy and i understand perfectly that wink

4 (edited by Siddartha 2004-11-28 22:37)

Re: Need code migration Invision1.3.1 > PunBB : posts only

I have tried to another hosting to test if it was a problem with advanced configuration of the server. But i have exactly the same error that the first hosting :

An error was encountered
File: /home/taggle/www/punbb/converter/functions.php
Line: 40

Converter reported: Unable to save to database.

Query: INSERT INTO `taggle`.punbbcategories (id,cat_name,disp_position) VALUES('1','Google','2')

Database reported: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1 (Errno: 1062)

Again, is a documentation can be readable to understand how migrate only the post of my old invision board to my new PunBB.

Thx for you reply.

Re: Need code migration Invision1.3.1 > PunBB : posts only

Okay i manage to solve the problem, i have put the pun_categories tables without the auto_increment for `id` column during the execution of the migrate tools.

After all is ok, tools works very well here, i go in id.pun_categories, delete the id ("0","-","0") (i don't know why this was created ..) and put the id column to auto_increment !!

My board works perfectly now !!
Thx to the developpers, PunBB is magic wink