Topic: scripts from scratch

i wana make a simple CMS for my site, and some other scripts too, but i cant seem to get started. iv always had problems making scripts from scratch. i can start form a snipit or moding for a big program like Punbb.

can anyone give me some hints on how to help me out with starting to make a script from scratch...

Re: scripts from scratch

Well ... I do something similar to this ... sometimes wink

1. Take a pen and a piece of paper (perhaps several wink), sit down (away from the computer), start thinking on WHAT you want it to do . Start sketching up what parts you need, a basic layout how stuff should be viewed, and perhaps even start sketching on how you want to save the setuff (ie. basic database tables, what kind of values you want to store, what tables that communicate with each others etc.)

2. Start the computer, and make a test about the layout, is it what you want it to be (just use phony values and stuff, dreamweaver etc is usually quite fast to make some basic design... just to test ideas). It's usually now one will find out if the ideas one had in the beginning might work or not, if something has been forgotten etc.. When the layout etc is ok enought, I go on to the next step (Note: the layout will probably be different in the last version either way, but it will help to structure the rest of the work to have something to aim for)

3. Start writing basic functions, like database connections, login system etc. (and structure how stuff should be saved on disk), start creating databases etc. (for me they go through quite a few revisions, always small columns added now and then ... so I always write queries with SELECTS really defining what column and in what order I take them, as othervise it'll be a bitch to update database and scripts)

4. Well when basic login/database stuff etc is working, time to move on to actually starting to write the stuff needed. Page generation, upload/download things, etc.

5 - 20... big_smile New Code, bughunting, rewrites

21. Final touches smile

This is how I usually work on larger projects ... I'm mostly in steps 5-20 big_smile

Re: scripts from scratch

thanx frank

Re: scripts from scratch

One thing I'd add is... work hard at keeping your programming separate from your HTML layout and design. It makes it much easier to maintain/update both. For example if you want to re-design the layout of a page, it's a PITA if the HTML is scattered all over the place amidst programming code.

Re: scripts from scratch

i cant seem to get a mysql conection working, could some one help me out??

Re: scripts from scratch

ok dont worry i got it working


Re: scripts from scratch

Hey Gizzmo,

Do some research on some good Code Generators.  I have tried many, but Codemaker 0.4 and CodeGenie come to mind.  I use them all the time to build up utilitarian apps all the time that I use for our website.  Codemaker is nice because it separates the codebase from the design, and builds the style sheets for you, as well as the code.

FYI; what most of these Generators do is pull data from an existing database.  So, in this case, your schema already needs to be built in advance.  In addition to what Frank as already mentioned, take care in how you want your sql schemas to be set up and work.  While sitting down and sorting out exactly what you want your app to do, understanding and getting your schema right is just as important as the design itself.

Codemaker is pretty cool.  You point it to the database you want to build your app from, and then fill in the blanks, telling it what kind of fields you want each table to be.  When you hit the generate button, wha'la! - Instant app, and it places all this in a "out" directory for you.  Again, it won't build a high powered app for you, but at least would get you started, even if buidling up smaller chunks of your app, and then put them all together as one.

Just a thought.  :>)

Re: scripts from scratch

wow, i thought you ew how to do that at least smile


$theQuestion = (2*b) || !(2*b);

Re: scripts from scratch

Gary: i did that but it wasnt doin anything, but i found out that the server i DLed wouldt work, but its realy weird cuz when i installed punbb on it it worked...i just ended uploading my script to my website server.

Re: scripts from scratch

ohh? what server were you using?

i really suggest
very nice and easy to use

$theQuestion = (2*b) || !(2*b);

11 (edited by Gizzmo 2004-12-14 04:45)

Re: scripts from scratch

the one i used was AppServ....(lookin at wampserver) you forgot the www. it didnt work for me with out it....

looks nice, maybe ill dl it later and try it out...